Monday, November 27, 2006

Apres Ski for the Office? Good grief...

I've always thought of New Yorkers as fashionable. Not as fashionable as Parisians but as close as we are going to get in America. I generally viewed what passes for fashion in Los Angeles as what happens when people with little taste and a lot of money influence too many people with no sense of self or personal style...

After living in New York, I either need to revamp my opinions or blame Jet Blue for spreading LA fashion-think like a bird flu pandemic.

This summer there were day-glo rubber gardening clogs all over the sidewalks. I saw men, women, children and medical professionals (in white ones) wearing them everywhere. Evidently, they're not just for gardening anymore.

Now, it's fall and I'm seeing women downtown wearing designer apres ski boots with their business suits. In the office... not as a warm, comfortable alternative to wear to get to and from the office!

I'm no footwear fashionista. I'll readily admit to owning some decidedly un-chic chaussures. But... I can at least match a style of footwear to a type of outfit. LA, hate to break it to you, but Ugg boots just don't go with a bikini on the beach. And New York, gardening clogs (if you must) belong in the garden and apres ski boots belong at the lodge.


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