Thursday, August 25, 2005

Things I Plan to Avoid During my Remaining Time in LA/LBC

la mountians
Originally uploaded by dream awakener.
1. Being tied to an anchor and drowned by a former Power Ranger (see Link).
2. Getting car jacked.
3. Eating breaded fish tacos with coleslaw and tartar sauce.
4. Getting shot at in traffic on a freeway.
5. Disappearing without a trace like Olivia Newton John's boyfriend.
6. Being slaughtered surrounded by my family in San Pedro.
7. Getting a caffeine enema or any other cleansing or colonic treatments.
8. Getting bit by yet another spider.
9. Breaking yet another bone in my foot.
10. Dying in a terrorist attack on the Port.
11. Having the first CA earthquake I notice actually be "the big one."
12. Encountering one of the feral cats with bubonic plague from Kern County, CA.
13. Watching the local news, from whence most of this list originated.
14. Finding out first hand that neither my office nor apt. is really out of tsunami range.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cleveland Slogan

Cleveland Slogan
Originally uploaded by Decay, Rattle and Hum.
Plum, North Coast, You Got To Be Tough... I like this one better